Friday 22 November 2013

Unit 3 Milestone Evaluation

A2 Drama & Theatre Studies

Charlotte - I am really happy with your role in the structure of your group and pro active approach to the work, but feel concerned that you are not always evidencing your process effectively. This needs to be adressed immediately. Please ensure that you have checked your Markbook to monitor ongoing progress.
Your focus should be....

         to bring your blog up to date by expanding on the detailed examples from the more recent lessons, to ensure that your input into the performance is recognised and the influence of decisions made along the way tracked clearly, enabling you to better reflect in your Performance Evaluation.

         To ensure the group are ready to show scenes in our first show back to the group on Wednesday 27th November.

Research & Exploration (SWED Work in Blog) working grade - D
Development & Structure (Practical Contribution)working grade - B

*If you continue working at the current level you will maintain your grade. If you follow your targets and develop both your written and practical work you will reach the next grade by the conclusion of the project.

Green - Working Grade
  Red - Specific focus needed to gain higher grade

AO1 Research & Exploration

Students demonstrate outstanding depth of research that is far-reaching and comprehensive. It is clear how the research has directly influenced performance outcomes and practice for both self and others.

13- 15

Students demonstrate an excellent depth of research that has produced a significant range of influence on performance outcomes and practice for self and others.

10 – 12

Students demonstrate a good depth of research that has produced a small range of influence on performance outcomes and practice for self and others.

7 - 9

Students demonstrate an adequate depth of research that has had some impact on performance outcomes and practice for self.

4 - 6

Students demonstrate a limited range of research that shows superficial understanding of the material and purpose of their enquiry. Research activity has had no impact on performance outcomes or practice.

0 - 3

AO1 Development
& Structure
Practical/ Rehearsal

Students demonstrate an outstanding involvement in the developmental process with a creative and imaginative input that has a far reaching benefit to both their own work and the work of others.

13 - 15

Students demonstrate an excellent involvement in the developmental process with a creative and imaginative input that fully benefits both their own work and the work of others.

10 -12

Students demonstrate a good involvement in the developmental process with a creative and imaginative input that benefits their own work and some of the work of others.


Students demonstrate an adequate involvement in the developmental process with a creative and imaginative input that impacts on their own work but has little impact on the work of others.


Students demonstrate a limited involvement in the developmental process. They incline towards accepting creative ideas made by others with little understanding or appreciation of its relevance to the intended performance
